Thursday, December 16, 2010

Welcome to The Man in the Middle

Thank you for your interest in my opinions!  Hopefully my commentary will encourage free and respectful discussion on the topics of this blog.  The purpose of this blog is to discuss current events the way I understand them.  I consider myself the Man in the Middle with a Joker on one soldier and the Devil on the other.  Yea that’s right out of the song "Stuck in the Middle" by Stealer's Wheel.  I am a just the average American GI JOE (2 Tours in Iraq) Solider whose opinion is probably much like that of Middle America.  I am an Independent stuck between the Republicans and Democrats.  I do not believe most of our current politicians represent Middle American's.  I also believe when politicians do take a stand, or make a compromise that would benefit the middle; they are shunned by their party and blasted by the press.  Since most Middle Americans are out trying to earn a living, they-we have to rely on the press to keep up with what is going on, and end up receiving only half the story.   These are the issues I will discuss.  I follow current issues and offer my commentary.  I hope you will help me by adding to the discussion.  I try to listen to both sides, cast away the fluff and form an opinion that would benefit most Americans.