Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rick Perry, Possible Presidential Run

Texas Governor Rick Perry has yet to announce his candidacy  for President in 2012 but…… He keeps talking like one.  So what is holding back his announcement?  Can he win?  Will the Bush legacy ruin his chances?

"The Colbert Report", Laughing at Buddy Roemer?

Well, Buddy Roemer for President is receiving increased national media attention.  He was a guest on "The Colbert Report's" 29 July Episode.  I would not call his performance funny but it did seem to sit well with the audience.  He got rounds of applause and laughter.  The audience could have just been laughing because they do not think he stands a chance.  His pledge to accept no more than $100 individual campaign contributions has many people laughing at his chances.  Has the national media coverage increased his chances?  Can the internet or social media help his campaign?  Watch the video and let us know.

Buddy Roemer For President

Buddy Roemer, former congressman and Governor of Louisiana,  officially announced his entry into the 2012 Presidential Race.  He plans to run a campaign free of Lobbyist, PAC and high dollar contributors.  Roemer pledges to only accept $100 contributions.  He has taken a moderate, common sense stand on many issues that affect most Americans.  The enormous amount of money that politicians collect in the form of large campaign contributions buys an extraordinary amount of influence.  Roemer's pledge to only take small contributions will free him from the influences of Corporations, Special Interest Groups and PAC's., a website dedicated to disclosing the influence money is buying in Washington, reports that 2012 is no different.  Almost $100 million has been raised by the candidates already campaigning for the 2012 Presidential Race.      Will Buddy Roemer have enough money to even make the ballet in Iowa?  Will this approach work?  I would like to find out  what you think?