Saturday, January 8, 2011

Government Health Care????

Dear Senator,

Please apply some common sense to the Health Care bill and repeal it.  I am for change in the Medical industry; Fair Insurance Markets, Caps on Medical Litigation.  I do not think the current approach passed by the former Congress is the answer.  This bill you voted for is only going to enrich few, at the expense of many.  Lawyers, Drug Companies, Large Hospital Corporations and the working poor will receive help from this bill.  Small and medium sized Businesses, Doctors, and everyone currently covered with health insurance will greatly suffer.  Our cost will be higher for less service.   How will we be able to pay for this when Social Security and Medicare are about to go bust?  There are many less expensive options available to combat the cost of health care.  Insurance competition, Tort reform, and simplified FDA guidelines will lower the cost of insurance and the cost of health care.  Please do what is best for the people you represent.  That is why we elected you. 
