GI Bill & How to Apply?

Apply for Federal Financial Assistance
You must complete a FAFSA application if you want to apply for a Pell Grant, student loans, work study or other types of federal financial assistance. To access the application, go to (note: applying or not applying for FAFSA does not affect your admission into Delgado. However, you are encouraged to apply if you need assistance paying for college).
Step 1Admissions application
At many colleges you can submit your admissions application on line.  The changes in the Post 9/11 GI Bill that goes into effect this fall will pay BAH for on-line classes.  Currently you must take 12 resident hours to qualify for the full amount of this benefit. 
Step 2: Pay the admissions application fee
The application fee is covered by the GI Bill but you will have to pay the initial fee in most cases otherwise the college will not begin the registration process.  
Step 3: Submit High School Transcript or GED to Admissions Office
You need to submit an official transcript of all high work, or GED diploma or scores.  Many school districts not have the ability to send them electronically now.  Check with your college to find out their specific policy.  
Step 4: Submit proof of immunization
Submit proof of immunization compliance if born after 1956.  You can download your copy from the DKO network if you are in the Reserves or National Guard.  There should be a paper copy in your Medical file otherwise.  
Step 5: Submit proof of registration with selective service
Proof of registration with the military selective service is required for maleapplicants between the ages of 18 and 25 (in compliance with State Law R.S. 17:3151). Register now with selective service at  Your number is on your initial contract or you can search for it at the Selective Service website.
Step 6: Take placement assessment
Most schools require a placement test for transfer students, returning students and incoming freshmen.  The GI bill will pay for the ACT, SAT and professional certifications.  There are study guides and online tutorials available through the DKO system if the Veteran is in the reserves or National Guard.  
Step 7Freshman orientation (OARS)
Most students attending college for the very first time must attend freshman orientation.  If your school does not require you to go to freshman orientation schedule yourself anyway.  The University I go to has labs, tutors, and other programs to help students succeed.  
Step 8: Find the VA representatives office.  
Go to VONAPP and start an application for benefits.  Your school VA representative will certify your enrollment and progress.  

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