Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leave Iraq and Colonize Afghanistan

Why we should leave Iraq but  cannot leave Afghanistan.

When American forces Invaded Iraq it was a sovereign country with a functioning government.  More importantly basic infrastructure such as schools, transportation, and commerce were established.  I am not claiming it was a good government structure, just that basic 20th century infrastructure  existed.  Iraq has electricity, running water, sewer systems and basic government services now.  Most of the infrastructure to support a modern society in Iraq is brand new thanks to the $45 Billion US Taxpayers have donated.  The Iraqi people have enough education to effectively continue without the US Military.  State Department personnel are going to continue supplying training, management, and support to the infant democracy.  Iraq will be OK by themselves.  There are going to be some rocky times for country of Iraq, but that is part of learning cooperation and compromise.   

Afghanistan has not ever had modern infrastructure.  Prior to the current government warlords have ruled tribal territories  since the Soviet withdrawal in 1989.  Post Offices, schools, roads and an entire government structure has to be built.  President John F. Kennedy said "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."  Education is Afghanistan is deplorable.  Kabul University, the only University in the country, was respected Internationally in the 1970’s.  Under Taliban rule the University was decimated.  Education for women was banned in 1992 under a Taliban decree.   Their were no courts when the US military arrived.  Village elders, tribal justice and warlord rule were the law of the land.  Afghanistan will continue to be a country of desperate, illiterate, hungry people if the US fails to establish a government and infrastructure.  That is the formula for terrorism.  People whose lives are miserable, do not mind dying.    

Iraq can stand on its own and its people have a chance to participate in modern human society.  It will not be easy and the new Democracy will struggle along the way.  Economic activity is rising in Iraq and providing a standard of living for its citizens.  Iraq's oil fields provide a source of income for infrastructure projects and government services.  Iraqi society will never be perfect, but neither is the US.  Afghanistan is a war torn strip of barren land.  It does not have 20th century infrastructure.  In order to bring Afghans into civilization the US and its allies have to construct basic infrastructure and teach Afghans to administer it.  That is a 20 year  project at best.  Leaving Afghanistan will result in the same situation or worse than existed prior to 9/11/2001.  Military troops might not always be the answer but for now they are the only choice.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rx Drugs… Saving Lives or Bleeding Cash

Spending on prescription drugs have more than doubled since 1999. Americans receiving life changing drug therapies, and U.S. life expectancy are at an all-time high. Due to modern scientific breakthroughs; drug therapies have increased the quality, and quantity of life. The rapid proliferation of drug therapies and their uses have led some to question if pharmaceutical companies are really improving our lives, or just raking our wallets of hard earned cash. It is easy to question the benefits of some drug therapies, especially when it is someone else receiving the treatment. The increasing use of drugs treating erectile dysfunction, severe menstrual issues, allergy therapy, and human growth enhancers have been used as examples of pharmaceutical abuses.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, spending on prescription drugs in 2008 was 234.1 Billion, double the amount spent in 1999. More Americans are receiving drug therapies than ever before the report also stated.  Drug therapies appear to be working according to Health, United States, a 2010 study by the same agency. From 2000-2007, life expectancy in the United States has risen by over a year to77.9 years. Death due to heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes are significantly lower. Heart disease, America’s number one cause of death is down by 35% (National Center for Health Statistics). An unintentional injury, which I presume cannot be fixed with a drug therapy, is the only cause of death to have risen in the last decade. My grandpa always told me, “there ain’t no pill to fix stupid,” so although I am safer from heart disease thanks to drug therapies, I can still unintentionally injury myself.

Due to medical breakthroughs and scientific discoveries lifesaving medications are enhancing record number of lives.  It all seems like good news but, prescription drug costs are soaring in the United States.  The cost of prescription drugs deter seniors and the uninsured from benefiting.  Drug cost continue to increase the cost of health insurance and government programs like Medicare.  Pharmaceutical companies are devoting more money to researching and developing future cures, but it is less than they spend lobbying congress and customers. Critics of the exponential growth of prescription drug cost blame direct to consumer advertising. Patient’s access to drug information has encouraged educated conversations with doctors about important health decisions. Lobbying activities by pharmaceutical companies that have gained favorable patent laws and the Medicare prescription drug act have been the contributing factors to the disproportionate price Americans spend on prescription drugs. Anti-competitive regulations of the US FDA and patent laws need to change in order to create a competitive marketplace.

The number of lives saved, improved, or prolonged since 1996 are hard to estimate. A rule clarification by the US Food and Drug Administration simplified the regulations restricting direct to consumer communications by drug research firms (US CODE TITLE 21). Pharmaceutical companies are now required to list the major side effects of their medicine rather than all of the potential effects. This change made it possible for drug maker’s ability to advise directly to their customers about the life changing benefits of their products. Prior to this ruling, company were essentially limited to educating already overworked Doctors about the thousands of newly discovered treatments. “Gone is the time when doctors held complete power and prescription medicines were treated as a sacred and separate world,” Said Belkin. Author Lisa Belkin makes an argument in her essay “Prime-Time Pushers” that direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs has drastically increased the number of patients receiving prescription drugs.

According to the Government Accountability Office in 2005, drug companies still spent 3 billion more on promotion of their products to physicians than they did on direct to consumer advertising. Although consumers are free to ask their Doctors about a certain drug, it is still the decision of the doctor to prescribe the medication. Doctors should explain the pros and cons of these drugs with their patients. Doctors should also explain why they have chosen the treatment option.

Some people have questioned the ethics of consumer advisements about drugs that do not cure, so called “life-threatening” situations. Having erectile problems might not necessitate a medical emergency, but the number of men seeking medical treatment has drastically increased since its introduction. Many of these men were long overdue for a doctor’s visit, and were found to have more serious conditions. Diagnoses for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many other life threatening ailments were discovered. Viagra should be considered a lifesaver for these men. Viagra is credited for these successes, because prior to the introduction of Viagra, most men were too embarrassed to discuss their sexual performance problems.

Viagra ads explained that millions of men suffer from the condition, assured men that it was a medical condition that they should seek treatment for, and provided information through phone and internet sites. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction are heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes (Mayo Clinic staff). Hundreds of thousands of men, whom were encouraged by Viagra ads to see their doctor, now receive treatment for heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Successfully treating the cause of erectile dysfunction eliminates the dysfunction to the erectile and does not require Viagra to treat. So Viagra has saved lives and improved the quality of life for millions of men.

Drugs and therapies being advertised to consumers have increased the number of people under preventative care for serious mental conditions. A rise in doctors writing prescriptions for anti-depressants, and Attention Deficit Disorder drugs, and have resulted after TV ads for treatments were released. Depression and ADD are serious conditions. More people seeking treatment for mental disorders should be celebrated. Mental illnesses are cited as a reason for homelessness, crime and suicide. The ads for the drugs have encouraged suffers to obtain help. Sure the amount of people taking the drug has increased since the advertising has increased. Consumers were advised about mental health conditions and were encouraged to discuss their conditions with their physician.

Scientific breakthroughs, increased consumer and physician education has resulted in increased revenue for pharmaceutical companies. The results have been longer life expectancies and quality of life for all Americans. Lobbing efforts for patent protection and Medicare benefits have been the leading contributors to the spiraling cost of prescription drugs. Simplifying regulations and creating a competitive environment should be considered as solutions to the problem. Direct to consumer advertising has increased cost although the benefits that consumers receive from increased education about their medical choices are worth it. Limiting free speech should not be considered an option for lowering the cost of drugs. Better enforcement of existing regulations from the FDA will expose abuses of the system. Americans live better lives because of their access to cutting edge treatments. Their ability to educate consumers should not be considered.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hermain Cain?

Herman Cain is catching the attention of people right now.  So what is he doing different?  He is proposing solutions to problems.  That is the difference between politicians and business people.  In business it does no good to identify a problem if you cannot propose a better way to do things.  The proposed plan must follow some logic and weigh cost vs benefits.  Most business people I know also look for measurable results.  The     9-9-9 tax plan is fair, simple and transparent.  It favors no one.  What do you think?

Treat America Trick China Halloween

China must love Halloween, because they are happy to have jobs. Mexico gets a sweet treat from Halloween too. While most of the plastic decorations at the local Wal-Mart are imported from china; many of the candy treats are made in Mexico. Hershey’s, the iconic American candy maker has shut down factories in Hershey Pennsylvania and moved production to Mexico. Here is ten ways to treat local business, farmers and US manufacturer,s all while helping the environment.

1. Get your costume at Goodwill, it will be a lot of fun to roam the store and pick out a unique original costume. Hey while your there keep your eyes open for vintage T’s, or hoodies, they are worth a fortune in New York and soon to be high fashion statements. Could be worth some money too, “Where’s The Beef",” Return of The Jedi, You will be helping the environment by reusing, helping the disabled by supporting jobs, and keeping money in your local economy.
2. Decorate with produce from your local farmers market. Gourds come in crazy funky fall shapes and colors. An exacto knife and some cotton twine will make hanging decorations. Get a funky pumpkin, google pumpkin carving patterns, and make your own Crazy JACK-O-LANTERN(PICS). Its fun and roasted pumpkin seeds are good too. Oh yea its also cheap and entertaining.
3. Many schools, churches and civic groups host hayrides, haunted houses or fall festivals.  Good entertainment, great for a date, fun with the kids too and it supports local non-profits while keeping your money in the community.  Google Local or a Bing search will usually point you in the right direction. 
4.  Buy American made candy, decorations, and costumes from
USA-Mart @ Amazon.
 Hershey has moved some of its production facilities to Mexico. Get some handmade pralines from New Orleans to treat the lil devils.  Or make some candied apples with melted Red Hots candy, or caramel. 
5.  Get out and do something; catch a high school football game next Friday night, or the local college next Saturday.  Dine in a local restaurant and go check out some live music. 

It is real easy to help the US economy while helping our neighbors too.  Buy your goods from as close to you as possible.  It supports local jobs, reduces transportation cost, and benefits small business people.

Monday, September 12, 2011

AdWords Keyword Guide

Think like your customer would. I you sell Jewelry, would Ring, or engagement ring get you more motivated buyers. Negative words can also be applied. If you were selling high-end designer jewelry, It might be a good idea to exclude your site from cheap ring, nose ring or, cock ring. It is also a good example of why you should not apply one letter Ad Words.


Make Your Keywords

  • 2-3 Words Long
  • Phrases
  • Single Words only when necessary

Google your phrase in a separate window and google will clue you into the top suppestions to your keywords. This will help jog your memory. Remember Google does CENSOR Results kinda: Suggestions will not display direct keywords that has forbidden words in the phrase. Google does not like tobacco, alcohol, and sex words. Seems reasonable but….They have take out words that sound like words that might be considered a dirty word by somebody. Adwords also has a suggestion feature that returns results in a bar graph.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hurricane Tracker

This is a Hurricane and Tropical Storm Tracker for all the Coastal Residents.
Hurricane Tracker 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Government Is Going to Protect us Again.

I sure with they would quite trying to protect me.  What good will this law do?  If a person is suspected of child pornography then search warrants can be issued and the suspect can be monitored.  What do you think?  Child Porn is bad but does it mean the Government can resort to these messures?   

Orwellian Proposals 

These proposed laws are an affront to the very principles on which this country was built.

Following the recent riots in England, Prime Minister David Cameron suggested the answer wasn't better policing but a crackdown on communication via Facebook and Twitter. "Everyone watching these horrific actions will be struck by how they were organized via social media," Cameron said. "Free flow of information can be used for good, but it can also be used for ill. So we are working with the police, the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people from communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality."
Think about that: The British government wants to stop people from communicating. It's disheartening to hear politicians in a supposedly free society mull solutions that echo those used by former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak when he shut down the Internet in a failed attempt to silence last year's protests in his country. Thankfully, that would never happen in the United States.
Or would it?
Meet the Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act of 2011 — an Orwellian name if there ever was one, as the bill is about anything but freedom. The tripartisan measure — backed by U.S. Sens. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn.; Susan Collins, R-Maine; and Tom Carper, D-Del. — would give the White House sweeping authority to regulate or even shut down the Internet in the event of a "cyber-emergency." Lieberman, in defending the bill, actually said, "Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war, and we need to have that here, too." Does Lieberman really think the United States needs to take lessons from one of the most repressive regimes on the globe?
Another measure, H.R. 1981, would be more aptly numbered H.R. 1984. The Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 purports to fight child porn by forcing Internet service providers to track every move its users make online for 18 months at a time — and turn the results over to the government for the asking. Your email, your passwords, your logins, your credit card numbers, your Web browsing history — all of it. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., who opposes the bill, says it will "let us find out where every single American visited websites." The Electronic Frontier Foundation summarizes its threat aptly: "This sweeping new 'mandatory data retention' proposal treats every Internet user like a potential criminal and represents a clear and present danger to the online free speech and privacy rights of millions of innocent Americans."
Like the Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act, the Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act is disingenuously named. "This is not protecting children from Internet pornography," says Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. "It's creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes." Still, Orwell was right: What politician can safely vote against a law specifically (if misleadingly) dubbed a weapon in the war against child porn? That's what the bill's sponsors — Reps. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. — are counting on. The bill cleared the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 19-10 last month. "Every piece of prematurely discarded information could be the footprint of a child predator," Smith said on Aug. 3. By that logic, the government should have the right to hear and record every phone call, just in case someone might be plotting to hurt a child.
Law enforcement needs strong tools to combat the scourges of child porn and terrorism. That's what subpoenas and search warrants (based on probable cause) are for. These proposals go way, way too far. They are the cyber-equivalent of giving police unfettered access to any home they choose to enter — on the pretext that a crime mightbe in progress inside. The traditional Democratic defense of the Bill of Rights and the traditional Republican push for smaller government should make these bills anathema to both parties.
Cameron's plan to suspend social media communication in Britain is wrong, and these proposed laws are just as wrong. Worse than wrong, they are dangerous. They are an affront to the very principles on which this country was built. Speak out against these bills, folks — while you still can.