Monday, September 12, 2011

AdWords Keyword Guide

Think like your customer would. I you sell Jewelry, would Ring, or engagement ring get you more motivated buyers. Negative words can also be applied. If you were selling high-end designer jewelry, It might be a good idea to exclude your site from cheap ring, nose ring or, cock ring. It is also a good example of why you should not apply one letter Ad Words.


Make Your Keywords

  • 2-3 Words Long
  • Phrases
  • Single Words only when necessary

Google your phrase in a separate window and google will clue you into the top suppestions to your keywords. This will help jog your memory. Remember Google does CENSOR Results kinda: Suggestions will not display direct keywords that has forbidden words in the phrase. Google does not like tobacco, alcohol, and sex words. Seems reasonable but….They have take out words that sound like words that might be considered a dirty word by somebody. Adwords also has a suggestion feature that returns results in a bar graph.

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