Saturday, August 6, 2011

Student veterans have high suicide risk, new study finds - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide

Student veterans have high suicide risk, new study finds - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide: "Researchers examined the issue of suicide among student veterans after receiving reports from campus veterans groups that vets were feeling isolated and disconnected from fellow students as a result of their worldly experiences, Air Force Times reported, quoting University of Utah professor M. David Rudd, the study’s lead author."

There is a divide between Veterans and their college counterparts. The Veteran has a different outlook on life and people. College is a place where ideas and opinions are openly exchanged. Due to the "worldly experiences" of the Veterans they are isolated. It is hard to attend college and keep your mouth shut. I have learned to keep my opinions and experiences to myself. If or rather when I am asked about what it was like, I usually answer briefly and honestly. I have learned that people are curious about what its like, but only in small doses.

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